Settings for people who don't want to care about settings.
SETTINGS allows studio management to customize TRF app. Six settings tabs intuitively organize the options. Also, on the screen's left is an easy interface for loading your logo into TRF to brand it as your own.
The Master Passcode is the only way to access Settings, not the Artist Passcode. This is designed to prevent accidental or malicious tinkering by wayward staff. More on Passcodes follows.
Once you set up your TRF app just as you want it, with all of your artists, legal clauses, logo, and tedious legal bits, TRF will automatically back up these settings to your cloud, using the login credentials you provided when you chose a cloud. If you need to log out of TRF, add another iPad, or swap your old one for a new one, just log in at startup; your previous settings will be waiting for you.
Accessing TRF Settings
- From the Welcome Screen, tap the Menu Icon (three stacked lines at the top right corner).
- On any other screen, tap the Settings gear icon in the bottom left.
The Six TRF Settings Tabs
Settings: STUDIO Tab: Your studio bio bits, logo, artists, health codes, etc.
Settings: FORM OPTIONS Tab: Share info inside of TRF, or automatically email it to your clients, and their waivers!
Settings: EDITORS tab: Set the app up with artist gear and pigments, health questions, legal clauses, and more.
Settings: REPORTS tab: Ask TRF to generate reports about your clients and studio financials.
Settings: CLOUDS tab: Connect one or more clouds so TRF can upload waivers and reports.
Settings: MORE Tab: Slideshow setup for now. Future features will land here.
See RELATED ARTICLES below for in-depth articles on each tab. You'll be setup and taking the world's most advanced digital waivers in 10 minutes or less. Dive in!