The Artist Notes Pane

The Artist Notes Pane is the interface for finalizing client waivers before uploading them to the cloud. It automatically appears when a client finishes her waiver (in the New Client Flow, Returning Client Flow, and Saved for Later Flow), signaling that the client should give the iPad to the artist or studio staff.


Accessing the Artist Notes Pane

The Artist Notes Pane is only accessible when the client finishes a section of a new waiver, searches and opens a Returning Client waiver, or recalls a Save For Later waiver. Either the Master Passcode or the Artist Passcode is required. Upon access, the "Client Health Considerations" screen is displayed. This screen summarizes the client's health information, automatically compiled from their waiver, ensuring that critical health details are readily available for review.


Artist Input: Required and Recommended Data

While TRF app requires only the artist's signature for waiver upload, including additional data is strongly recommended for enhanced legal protection. Compliance with local health and state laws may require the artist to enter information beyond their signature.


Artist Notes categories

The Artist Notes Pane collects data in these categories:

  • Pigments: Records the specific pigments used in the tattoo procedure.
  • Disposables: Documents the disposable supplies utilized.
  • Financials: Tracks payment information related to the service.
  • Supporting Documents: Allows for the attachment of pertinent documentation.
  • Artist Notes: Provides a space for artists to record session notes or observations.



Pigments used: The artist chooses pigments they will/did use on the client by brand, then color family, then named color. For example, Eternal Brand, Blue, Blue Suede. The colors chosen are listed for the artist and will be added to the final PDF waiver.

Pigment sterilization numbers: The artist can add sterilization numbers for pre-sterilized pigments by text input fields.

Pigment thinners used: The artist can choose from pre-loaded common thinners and those loaded into TRF by management in Settings.



Needles used: The artist can add needles used in the session by dialing the configuration number of needles, for example, seven magnum. Studio management can also load custom needles to TRF in Settings.

Needles sterilization numbers: Using the text input field, the artist can add sterilization numbers for pre-sterilized needles.

Disposable tubes used: The artist can choose from pre-loaded tubes standard to our industry or those loaded into TRF by management in Settings.

Disposable tube sterilization numbers: The text input field allows the artist to add sterilization numbers for pre-sterilized disposable tubes.

Disposable grips used: The artist can choose from pre-loaded grips used by our industry and those loaded into TRF by management in Settings.

Disposable grip sterilization numbers: A text input field allows the artist to add sterilization numbers for pre-sterilized disposable grips.

In-session tattoo salves: The artist can choose from pre-loaded common salves used by our industry and those loaded into TRF by management in Settings.



Here, the artist can add financial data about the session, including options for the amount due, deposit, amount paid, total tax, and payment method.

TRF can export a report of all financial data in .csv format, accessed in Settings>Database>Generate financial report


Supporting Documents

  • Legal guardian ID and Signature
  • Birth Certificate
  • Client Design/Pattern
  • Add second ID
  • Second Govt ID picture
  • Custom document
  • Add image from iPad Image Libraries


Artist Notes

Text input field for any notes the artist wishes to be reflected on the final waiver.


Finishing the waiver

Following data entry, the artist can perform one or more of the following actions:

  • Sign the waiver: Upon signing, the release form is ready. Tap UPLOAD to send it to the studio cloud.
  • Tap Options: Accesses further options listed below.
  • Tap Save for Later: Saves the waiver as a draft for later completion.


Options Button

Preview this waiver: The artist will see an image of the final PDF before it is saved to the cloud. This allows the artist to ensure the client entered accurate facts into the release form, confirm that the ID photo is clear, and see in RED TEXT all health questions that the client answered yes to.

Make changes to the waiver: If the artist discovers unsatisfactory client inputs (selfies instead of ID photos do not fly in court), this feature allows changes to be made before upload.

Add supporting documents: While this option is also offered toward the end of the Artist Notes Pane, we tattoo artists sometimes find it best to snatch up and photograph documents immediately and then fill out the notes. This allows the client to put them away and relax while we do our thing.

Cancel and start a new waiver: Sometimes, it's simply necessary.


Save For Later Button

The way to swiftly collect waivers in a rush to be completed when the studio calms down. Read more


FAQs: Artist Notes Pane

    • Q: What information is required/recommended in the Artist Notes Pane?

      A: Only the artist's signature is required for upload. However, adding extra data is strongly recommended for legal protection and may be required by local or state laws.


    • Q: What data can I add to the waiver in the Artist Notes Pane?

      A: You can add information about Pigments, Disposables, Financials, Supporting Documents, and Artist Notes.


    • Q: How can I access the Artist Notes Pane?

      A:  The Artist Notes Pane is only accessible as the client finishes their section of a new waiver, by searching and opening a Returning Client waiver, or by recalling a Save For Later waiver.


    • Q: What does "Preview this waiver" do?

      A: Previewing the waiver shows the artist an image of the final PDF before it's saved to the cloud. This allows the artist to verify the accuracy of the client's information, check the clarity of the ID photo, and quickly identify "yes" responses to health questions (highlighted in red).