New Client Flow Overview

Since new clients are excited about tattoos, NOT paperwork, TRF app turns their waiver experience into an engaging five-minute lobby side quest. Without needing help from studio staff, the client steps up to the iPad, photographs her ID, and is led by the app through a smooth-flowing info-gathering interface.


Client-Driven Auto-Advancing UI

TRF programmatically moves the client to the next required input, triggered by prominent buttons and natural visual flow. This eliminates guesswork, and tapping the gold arrow at the top inspires intuitive backward and forward movement through the app.

The client will provide data in six distinct sections:

  • BIO

The New Client Flow is designed on the feedback of thousands of clients and artists in several countries over a decade in the market. Most clients say it is easy and fun, and they “actually read a waiver for a change.”

Protecting artists, studios, and trees while informing clients of their rights is winning for all of us.


The New Client Experience

Upon arriving and settling in, the client is prepared by studio staff with simple instructions: “Grab your ID and any other documents we need to know of and step up to the iPad.”

Tapping the first TRF screen, they will see:

Welcome message: Each client will see a customizable message as they start the app. It can be a friendly hello, some legal disclaimers, or an invitation to an art show. (This feature is configured in Settings>Form Options Tab.)


ID CAPTURE section

Step 1: This step asks the client to photograph their ID using the front—or rear-facing iPad camera. The final PDF waiver will show a clear, color photograph of the ID.

Options shown:

    • Reverse camera: allows choice of front or rear-facing camera
    • Flash: toggle the front-facing camera flash to illuminate the ID
    • Start Over: -resets TRF to the welcome page.
    • ?: Tips for using the interface


ID VERIFY section

Step 1.5: This step asks the client to be sure the photo of their ID is clear and legible. Other options are:

  • Retake or use the photo just taken (optional).
  • Select ID TYPE: driving license, passport, state ID card, government ID card (required).
  • ?: Tips for using the interface
  • Settings button: Choose to start a new waiver or proceed to Settings


BIO section

Step 2: This section gathers the basic biographical information most legal systems require for legally binding waivers. This information will be recorded on the final PDF waiver. All information is required unless stated otherwise as ‘optional.’

  • Name: first and last
  • Gender: female, male, non-binary, prefer not to respond, other (prompts text input)
  • Pronouns: she/her, he/him, they/them, other (prompts text input)
  • Date of birth: scroll to align the proper day, month, and birth year.
  • Citizenship: By default, as TRF is used mainly by studios in the USA, “US Citizen” is automatically engaged, as shown by a checkmark, which will offer the standard USA address format. Unchecking this option opens the address fields to broader choices for entering international address formats.
  • Client address
  • Client phone number
  • Emergency contact: name and phone number required
  • ?: Tips for using the interface
  • Settings button: Choose to start a new waiver or proceed to Settings.


THE ART section

Step 3: This section asks the client to describe their desired tattoo, where on their body, and the artist who will work for them. This information will be recorded on the final PDF waiver.

  • Tattoo description: a brief description of the art.
  • Tattoo location: The client chooses from drop-down menus where they will be tattooed on their body.
  • Artist: The client selects their artist from a drop-down, the artist having been listed previously by management in TRF settings.
  • Optional client notes: If this option is presented to the client (based on the choice management made in TRF settings), they can write down any words they'd like here. These comments will be shown on the final PDF waiver.
  • ?: Tips for using the interface
  • Settings button: Choose to start a new waiver or proceed to Settings


SOCIAL section

Step 4: This section asks the client how they found the studio and asks permission to market to and socially connect with them. This information will be recorded on the final PDF waiver.

  • How did the client find the studio? The options are Facebook, Instagram, X, Web Search, Referral (with text input field), and Other (with text input field).
  • Marketing Opt-in: The client is offered the option to receive marketing messages and permission to connect with them on social media. A text input field for the email address will appear.
  • Legally required email address: In Settings, management might require clients to leave an email address to comply with health and legal codes. A text input field for the email address is provided. (This does not automatically give the studio the right to market to people, which is why clients must opt in.)
  • ?: Tips for using the interface
  • Settings button: Choose to start a new waiver or proceed to Setting


HEALTH section

Step 5: This section asks the client to provide health information relevant to their tattooing process and healing. They may answer from the provided options, choose OTHER to type their response or choose NONE to proceed through this section. The questions are preloaded into the app, but studio management ultimately controls whether they are shown or hidden from client view. All queries require input to proceed through the app and will be shown on the final PDF waiver.

  • Allergies: a standard list is preloaded.
  • Diseases: a standard list is preloaded.
  • Health Conditions: a standard list is preloaded.
  • Medications: the options are NONE and ‘Yes, please list them.’
  • Time of last meal: The menu offers options from 1 to 8+ hours ago, and the Apple clock is visible at the top left of the iPad for reference.
  • ?: Tips for using the interface
  • Settings button: Choose to start a new waiver or proceed to Settings


LEGAL section

Step 6: This section presents individual legal clauses for the client to read and initial. The UI is designed so clients are presented with only one clause at a time, increasing their likeness of reading the legal terms. The app programmatically moves the client through each clause for initialing, then to a screen requiring the client’s legal signature.

  • The clauses are preloaded, gathered from the tattoo industry over a decade, and can be individually shown, hidden, removed, or edited. Studio management may also add their own clauses.
  • ?: Tips for using the interface
  • Settings button: Choose to start a new waiver or proceed to Settings



FAQs: New Client Flow

    • Q: How does the app guide clients through the New Client Flow?

      A: TRF uses a client-driven, auto-advancing user interface. The app programmatically moves clients to the following input, using prominent buttons and a natural visual flow. A gold arrow allows for intuitive navigation backward and forward.


    • Q: How long does the New Client Flow typically take?

      A: The New Client Flow is designed to be quick and efficient. It usually takes clients around five minutes to complete.


    • Q: What type of client health information is collected by TRF app?

      A: The HEALTH section collects information about Allergies, Diseases, Health Conditions, Medications (if applicable), and Time of Last Meal. Studio management controls which of these questions are shown to clients. Note: TRF does not include client health information when the TRF Report feature, "Upload Client List," is activated. Further, neither Voluta Digital nor TRF app ever sells client data of ANY sort. See our Privacy Policy for more details.